Black Mirror Wiki

Black mirror wiki. Promatra moderno društvo posebno u odnosu na neočekivane učinke novih tehnologijaEpizode su samostalne obično postavljene u alternativnu sadašnjost ili blisku budućnost često mračnog i satiričnog tona iako su. Samuel is a member of the Gordon family and Randals son. Die Handlung der jeweiligen Folgen ist in sich abgeschlossen und erzählt eigenständige Geschichten weswegen die Serie den Anthologie-Serien zugerechnet wird.
Black Mirror britanska je znanstveno-fantastična antologijska televizijska serija autora Charliea Brookera s Brookerom i Annabel Jones koji služe kao izvršni producenti. In Bandersnatch trifft der Zuschauer Entscheidungen für die Hauptfigur den jungen Programmierer Stefan Butler Fionn Whitehead der 1984 einen Fantasy-Abenteuerroman in ein Videospiel adaptiert. Black Mirror ist eine britische Science-Fiction-Serie von Charlie Brooker die verschiedenartige Auswirkungen der Verwendung von Technik und Medien auf die Gesellschaft thematisiert.
Les épisodes sont liés par le thème commun de la mise en œuvre dune technologie dystopique. Black Mirror is a British dystopian science fiction anthology television series created by Charlie BrookerHe and Annabel Jones are the programmes showrunnersIt examines modern society particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologiesEpisodes are standalone usually set in an alternative present or the near future often with a dark and satirical tone although. We are currently editing 202 articles and you can help.
Kenny is the villainous protagonist of Shut Up and Dance episode 3 of the third season of Black MirrorHe was the 19-year-old son of Sandra the elder brother of Lindsey and a withdrawn and sullen teenager employed as a busboy at a local diner. Das Black Mirror Wiki ist eine Enzyklopädie rund um die Black Mirror Reihe die jeder angemeldete Benutzer editieren darfZiel dieses Wikis ist es möglichst viele Informationen über Charaktere Orte und den Fluch der Familie Gordon zusammenzutragen. In Bandersnatch è lo spettatore che prende le decisioni per il protagonista un giovane programmatore interpretato da Fionn Whitehead che nel 1984 crea un.
On one particular night however he unwittingly stumbled into an online trap and soon found himself harassed and blackmailed by an anonymous. For some time they lived happily together in his family castle the Black MirrorHowever at some point a dark spirit started to regularly possess him. Biography edit edit source.
She met befriended and married him at some point. A Fekete tükör eredeti cím. Oglinda neagră Black Mirror este un serial britanic antologic SF thriller dramă satiră creat de Charlie BrookerA fost transmis în premieră de Channel 4 la 4 decembrie 2011 ca un film antologie cu 3 părți care ulterior a devenit sezonul I.